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My Brilliant Kickstarter Idea

As so often happens, I have an amazing idea for a Kickstarter project. Forget all the smartwatches, videogame consoles, and Kristen Bell movies, this is an idea that’s going to leave them all in the dust.

Someone – please! – make a modern MP3 player!

I give this idea to you for free, dear Internets, because I want this to happen with every fiber of my being. I realize that I’m probably in the minority, but I have a rather large music collection, which I would ideally like to have at my fingertips wherever I am. Outside of the iPod Classic however, there aren’t any devices available that cater to my particular niche. There really should be a portable music player with a modern design and software that isn’t old enough to attend Kindergarten. Is that so much to ask?

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Is There a Drinking Game of Thrones?

Outside of Twitter, I don’t think I’ve written about George RR Martin’s Game of Thrones series (also known as A Song of Ice and Fire by those who’ve read the books). It was almost a year ago that I cracked open the first tome – because the books in this series can only be described as such – and was transported to the world of Westeros, captivated by all the magic, adventure, and political machinations therein. Eventually I did investigate the popular television series, but I remain a much bigger fan of the source material. It is my way.

So it goes without saying that when I heard there was an official Game of Thrones beer, my interest was piqued. I soon learned that said beer was not only a Belgian white (my favorite style) but also crafted by Ommegang, a NY-based brewery I discovered during my last trip to the Empire State. I knew then that I must possess – and subsequently partake – this almost impossibly delicious-sounding libation… and thankfully I had partner in crime willing to do the leg work.

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The XBOX One and Missed Opportunities

With the XBOX One announcement last week, we finally have all the pieces in place for the next generation of console wars. I’ve mostly lost interest in the fanboy debates and industry machinations during the last few years, but it’s still exciting to see where gaming is headed when new consoles are announced. Microsoft’s announcement was mostly uninteresting to me, as I never have nor am I ever likely to be an XBOX gamer. If anything, I’ll probably pick up a Wii U this Fall; I’m a Nintendo gamer to my core. Watching the announcement, however, I couldn’t help but feel that Microsoft missed some opportunities with the upcoming XBOX One. Of course, there’s still time to fix these before it’s released in the Fall, so here are some things Microsoft should have announced:

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Cutting Back

I started this week expecting to be writing this post about how I finally pulled the trigger and bought Google’s latest Nexus 7 tablet, which for months I figured would be announced at their annual Google IO developer’s conference. After all, the original tablet was unveiled at last year’s IO, and these things tend to be cyclical. Unfortunately, I’m not here today to gush about my latest gadget acquisition; instead, I’ve come to confess that I’ve once again hit information overload.

This isn’t quite as sever as in the past when I had to undergo “digital detoxes“. Mostly, I just need to reduce the amount of tech news I’m consuming on a daily basis, and I figure the best way to do this is to eliminate my reliance on RSS services like Google Reader. That shouldn’t be too hard, considering that Reader will be shut down in less than two months.

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New York City: The Sequel!!!

It seems like not so long ago I spirited off to New York and experienced the unabashed grandeur of Brooklyn, Manhattan, and the rest of the Burroughs. It’s probably because it wasn’t that long ago. Less than six months, in fact. But I knew that couldn’t stay away for long, and as it so happens, my girlfriend was itching to go back herself and visit all the friends she had to leave behind in the move to Sacramento. Since I had the time, opportunity, and inclination, I figured “What the heck!” and tagged along.

Back in October, I mused extensively about all the sights, sounds, and experiences from my week in New York. This year’s affair was much more low-key, filled with less sightseeing (although we did our share of that as well). Instead, my girlfriend and I spent of time doing the kinds of things that local New Yorkers do. We went out to dinner with friends, getting drunk and riding the subway home. We ate brunch at little holes in the wall and then went shopping at the Brooklyn flea. The two of us visited the Hipster Homeland in Williamsburg, chuckled at some of the ridiculous fashion and facial hair and eventually came to terms with our own “hipsterness”. And – perhaps the highlight of the whole endeavor – we ventured out to The Bowery and watched her friend Emily play Innertube Water Polo. It’s something that truly needs to be seen to be believed.

I’d love to start a league in Sacramento with the local social sports club… I’ll keep you posted.

Although my five days in New York were brimming with activities, it seemed like it was all over too soon. Once again, I felt a sadness mixed with a longing to return as soon as I could. There are so many places I still haven’t visited (like the Bronx Zoo or the Met), and many more that I’d like to revisit (like Central Park). The city really is just too big to experience in a handful of days. It makes me wonder how much time I’m going to need if and when I finally make it to Japan.

Bikes Bikes Bikes!

You may recall that last spring I had a revelation: riding a bicycle was not only something I was still capable of, but it’s actually pretty fun. For a few months, I not only for comfortable with riding a bike again, I started to love it. I cherished and looked forward to the few hours each day that I might be able to ride around town. It was stress relief after a trying day at the office (which is pretty much all of them). It got me out of the house and into the world, even if that simply meant reading my Kindle on a park bench instead of my bed. And after such a tumultuous relationship (and breakup), those were all things that I needed.

Unfortunately, the bike belonged to her, and inevitably she came by to reclaim it, leaving me sadly bike-less.

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Building my own Android Tablet

It may not have made my official list of resolutions, but one of my smaller goals for 2013 is to be more frugal with my gadget purchases and to get the most out of the ones I already have. In other words: stop buying new crap and use the devices I own already.

I was just writing awhile ago about shopping for a new tablet, and since then I’ve been wavering about which one would be the best fit. Do I really want the 10-inch Nexus tablet, or would I be happier with the smaller Nexus 7? Meanwhile, I have a perfectly good Kindle Fire that has been sitting unloved in a drawer since I bought my Kindle Paperwhite (which, again, I definitely could have lived without). Although I have my problems with the Kindle Fire’s hardware, its biggest issue is software: I constantly wish that I had access to the same suite of apps available for my smartphone. That’s one of the reasons a Nexus 7 tablet has been so appealing.

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Let’s Talk about Pokemon

So… Nintendo has announced a new Pokemon game for the 3DS: one that bares a striking resemblance to Dragon Quest IX. What’s that I hear? I think it’s the siren song beckoning my back to “catch ’em all”.

My girlfriend rolls her eyes at me while I watch – and rewatch – the trailer for these new games (subtitled “X” and “Y”, for reasons I can only guess at), suggesting that they’re the kind of games “7 year old kids play”. But you know what? I’m a grown man, and if I want to play a new Pokemon videogame… Well I don’t think I should be ashamed of my choice of entertainment. I’m 25 years old, and I’m not afraid to admit that I enjoy these games!

However, when asked if I would be buying one these new Pokemon games at Target or Gamestop, I was forced to admit that I would not. This is definitely an Amazon purchase. There’s less shame when other humans aren’t involved in the transaction.

I Resolve to Keep These 2013 Resolutions

The year 2013 is finally upon us, which means that once again I must examine my life to see where I’m failing and subsequently resolve to not fail in the new year. At least, not fail in the myriad ways I did in 2012; I’ll try to switch it up a bit. I thought I might have escaped this yearly exercise in self-reflection, but since the Mayans were wrong about the World coming to an end, I guess I should make some resolutions for 2013.

Although, I will say this: my unofficial 2012 resolution of “surviving the Apocalypse” was undoubtedly a huge success. Go me!

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The 12 Days of Christmas: Hipster Edition!!

I don’t remember how this all started, but my coworkers and I were discussing last week what a hipster version of “The 12 Days of Christmas” would be like. You all know what a hipster is, right? They’re those urban 20/30-somethings that “value independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art and indie-rock, creativity, intelligence, and witty banter.” (Urban Dictionary) Furthermore, they’ve got a unique fashion sense that can basically be summed up in two words: Urban Outfitters. I love to tease the hipsters, but the truth is that my girlfriend and I basically are hipsters… or “hipster-lite” as she just suggested. Anyway, it took us a few days, but we were able to come up with a truly hipster-fied version of this classic Christmas carol.

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About Words with Jeff

This is the blog of Jeff Staple