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What’s the Deal with Snapchat?

When it comes to technology and stuff on the internet, I’m usually not very far outside of the loop. I understood the appeal of social networks like Facebook and Instagram right away (heck, I was using Twitter before it was a household name). I see why emoji and stickers are so popular, although I don’t […]

Cutting Back

I started this week expecting to be writing this post about how I finally pulled the trigger and bought Google’s latest Nexus 7 tablet, which for months I figured would be announced at their annual Google IO developer’s conference. After all, the original tablet was unveiled at last year’s IO, and these things tend to […]

The 2nd Great Facebook Experiment

Once upon a time, I was challenged to give up Facebook because a girlfriend thought I was addicted to the social network. Personally, I don’t feel like I’ve ever had an unhealthy relationship with the social network, but I have made it no secret that I’ve struggled with a much larger Internet addiction. One need […]

Life Without the Interwebs

I wrote a few week back about trying to limit my internet hours – i.e. the Digital Detox pt. Deux– and the past week has truly been a test of my addiction. Why? My apartment has been without internet since last Sunday. Our old roommate had been paying for our interwebs service, and foolishly we […]

Digital Detox Pt. Deux

Some of you may remember the last time I cleansed myself of a potential Internet addiction – my self-proclaimed Digital Detox – and much to my dismay it seems like I’m due for another one. I’ve been finding myself spending ridiculous amounts of time nonlinear and being generally unproductive as a result. I’m not even […]

Online Dating: A Fun Sociological Experiment

Although I’ve never had a very good track record when it comes to dating, I’m not someone who is very keen on using the interwebs to find a girlfriend or just someone to have dinner with on a Friday night. I may be a geek, but I’m also pretty sociable, and there’s certainly no shortage […]

Dating in the Digital Age

I’ll totally admit that I’m pretty terrible at dating. I like to think I’m pretty good at being a boyfriend, but actually getting there has always been a hard journey for me. And it’s only gotten harder with technology. Back in the day (i.e. high school), if I was dating a girl, I usually had […]

Hulu Hesitations

A couple days ago, Hulu announced their new subscription service, which has many people pretty excited. For $10 a month, you get access to a larger catalog of TV shows than what’s currently available for free, including entire seasons. I’m left pretty lukewarm by the news though.

Viva la Email!

We live in the age of Facebook, and sometimes I question whether that’s really a good thing. Now I’m personally on the pro-Facebook side of things, much like the rest of my generation. I know a few people – generally older than I am – who see Facebook as just a waste of time, and […]

Diving Head First into WordPress

I’ve spent the last two days learning my way around WordPress for that website redesign project I mentioned last week. I told my client that I’d try to have a demo build up and running for the organization’s board meeting on Monday (just two days away!), so I’m having to learn the ins and outs […]

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Words With Jeff

About Words with Jeff

This is the blog of Jeff Staple