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Female Protagonists are not a Feminist Conspiracy

When Nintendo confirmed this past week that, at least in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the character Link would remain strictly male, many people were understandably disappointed. The last few months had been full rumors suggesting there would at least be an option to play the game as a woman; even I […]

On Being a Nerd

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my mid-20s, it’s that you can be a nerd about anything. This one piece of knowledge would have revolutionized my life during those tumultuous teenage years. I spent my high school career as a lonely videogame nerd and Japanophile (or are we calling ourselves “weeaboos” now?), and although […]

A Nerdier New Year

So it turns out that one of my statements last time should have had a little asterisk next to it. Despite proclamations that I would be foregoing my annual compulsion to make resolutions, I’ve recently had a change of heart. Over on Geek & Sundry, Felicia Day posted a video evangelizing the idea of Geek […]

A Well-Dressed Geek? It’s No Joke!

One of my favorite Internet personalities – Retronaut in Chief, Jeremy Parish – posted a really great blog awhile back about how it’s okay for nerds to dress well. It’s a really good read (as is most of his writing), and really underscores a “problem” in our larger geek community. Let’s face it: most of […]

I Dream of Comic-Con

Every year around this time, I feel like made the wrong choice in not going to San Diego Comic-Con. Last year, I was even on vacation while it was happening, except that I was in Las Vegas for what turned out to be a mediocre West Coast Swing dance convention. And last Fall I barely […]

My Pilgrimage to Nintendo World

Some of the places I knew I wanted to see when I was in New York wasn’t what you’d expect. Of course I wanted to see the big attractions like the Empire State Building, Central Park, and Grand Central Terminal, but I had several other excursions planned that were decidedly nerdier. One in particular though […]

I Knew Grammar was Cool!

My mom thought I was nuts when I told her how much I enjoyed listening to a Podcast about Grammar rules. “What kind of teenager likes grammar?” she must have been thinking. She should know by now that I’m an English freak and I love that kind of shit. Well, even so, it looks like […]

Words With Jeff

About Words with Jeff

This is the blog of Jeff Staple