So about that novel I was writing…
I haven’t touched it in almost two weeks. And I’m not likely to finish it anytime soon. I started out strong. I spent the first couple days developing plot and hitting my daily writing quota. I was feeling really good: this was the most creative writing I’d done in probably 3 years, and it was wonderful to finally be getting back into the habit.
Unfortunately, the life of a NaNoWriMo novelist is not the life for me.
At the end of the day, even though I had written almost 2,000 words and was well on my way to having a completed novel, I never really felt like I had been productive. I wasn’t cleaning the house. I wasn’t out job hunting. I couldn’t find the time to workout at the gym. And to be completely honest, the daily word quota was stressing me the hell out, especially when I thought about the days I wouldn’t be able to write much at all (like at my niece’s wedding).
So yeah, after two days I gave up / reverted back to just an “aspiring” author. I will write my novel one day soon (I actually have a much better one brewing in my head right now), but it won’t part of NaNoWriMo. I – surprisingly – have too much going on in my life to just throw away for a month.
Mainly girls. And copious viewings of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. This is seriously pressing stuff!
"I partake not in the meat, nor the breastmilk, nor the ovum, of any creature, with a face."