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These Aren’t Resolutions

So… It’s already March. In case you didn’t notice, I did not post my new year resolutions for 2015 back in January, as is my habit. Not that it matters: as I so masterfully demonstrated in 2014, I’m not always the best at keeping said resolutions. Which is why I’m not making any new resolutions […]

Tools of the Trade

To all my all my fellow writers and bloggers, I have a question for you: what tools to you use? This is a topic that’s always fascinated me, in part because I know there are so many tools and methods one can employ in the writing process, but also because my own methods and tools […]

So about that novel I was writing…

I haven’t touched it in almost two weeks. And I’m not likely to finish it anytime soon. I started out strong. I spent the first couple days developing plot and hitting my daily writing quota. I was feeling really good: this was the most creative writing I’d done in probably 3 years, and it was wonderful […]

I’m Writing a Novel!

In case you haven’t heard, November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo to it’s friends). What’s more, I’m actually participating this year. That’s right: this aspiring author with aspire no more! Come November 30th, I’ll be a certified novelist! … Or at least, that’s the idea. In order to “win,” you have to write a novel […]

Mid-Year Resolutions

I’ve been thinking quite a bit about my goals in life, both long-term and short-term. I know this is partly due to my ongoing job search, but I’m also a person who constantly strives for something greater in life. I know there’s always room for improvement, and this knowledge has often pushed me to better […]

Words With Jeff

About Words with Jeff

This is the blog of Jeff Staple