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Like Riding a Bicycle

It’s true what they say: you never forget how to ride a bicycle! My girlfriend somehow convinced me to take a bike ride with her this weekend, and I phrase it that way because I honestly didn’t know if I could still ride one. I, like many people, learned to ride a bicycle when I […]

The Boy is Back in Town

It’s the beginning of a new age! After nine long months, the slacker days are officially over. Oh sure, I flirted with substitute teaching in the last few months, but I always knew that what I really needed was to find a stable job back in the city I love. And found one I have! […]

The Epic Dance Weekend That Almost Wasn’t

The last week has been pretty hectic, between attending a job fair in Sacramento on Wednesday, substitute teaching on Friday (more on that another time), heading back down to Sac for the Capital Swing Dancers Convention. To be honest, my President’s Day Weekend was actually supposed to be pretty chill, but a last minute change […]

Springtime for Sac-Town

After many months of cloudy, cold, rainy, and generally miserable weather, Spring has finally arrived in Sacramento. The last week has been host to some absolutely gorgeous days. Blue skies and moderate temperatures mingle to produce weather so nice that I can hardly stand to be inside. Needless to say, my cubicle-dwelling hours can be […]

Words With Jeff

About Words with Jeff

This is the blog of Jeff Staple