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Becoming The Doctor

Last January, I was unemployed, which meant that I spent much of my time sitting around watching Netflix. It was during this era of unemployed Netflix watching that I was introduced to The Doctor. If you read that last sentence and wondered “Who’s the Doctor?”, do yourself a favor: stop reading this blog, find Doctor […]

New Year, New Resolutions

January 1st brings that ages old tradition of making resolutions for positive change in the new year. I know a lot of people are soured on the idea of “New Year Resolutions” because, they say, why should you wait until the first day of a new year of start changing your life for the better. […]

For Your Consideration

Ladies: Halloween is almost upon us. Have you picked out your costume yet? If you answered “Yes” and are going as Slave Leia, you can stop reading this blog right now. If you answered “No” or are not dressing up as Slave Leia this year, perhaps you should consider (or reconsider) making golden metal bikini […]

I’m almost as old as Mario

Turns out today is the 25th Anniversary of the NES classic, Super Mario Bros. Like many my age, I grew up playing the myriad Mario Bros. games. In fact, I’m pretty sure Super Mario Bros. just might be the first videogame I ever played. Almost 20 years later, I’m not only still playing videogames but Mario […]

Happy Birthday, America!

I’ll be spending this 4th of July with my girlfriend. We don’t really have any plans, although I have a feeling large, neon-colored explosions will somehow play a part. We spent yesterday afternoon at Folsom Lake, spending time with some of our dancing friends and enjoying barbecued meat and veggies. And our friend Dennis brought […]

May the 4th Be With You

Today is Star Wars Day!! What have you done today to celebrate? If not for work, I totally would’ve stayed home and watched the complete original trilogy. Since I couldn’t do that though, I’ve been following Darth Vader on Twitter all day. Aside from being hilarious, Vader is a really good source for Star Wars-related […]

Resolutions for a New Year

New Resolutions Devised for this brand new year. I’ll keep them this time! That’s what I said last January, and some of my resolutions were more successful than others. On the upside, I’m well on my way to reaching my target weight (I’ve already lost ~15 lbs in the last 5 months) and I finally […]

The Japanese Star Festival

Today was the official date of Tanabata, otherwise known as the Japanese Star Festival. Much like last year, I observed the occasion by tying a wish on some local bamboo shoots. Of course, it wasn’t written in Japanese like the picture to the right, but it wish was simple and inkeeping with the mythology behind […]

January 1, 2008 means…

New Resolutions Devised for this brand new year. I’ll keep them this time! Despite the opinion held by many frequenters of Lifehacker, I think New Years Resolutions are good. I always make at least five for myself each year, even if they’ve started piling up recently. Here are my resolutions for 2008: Get back in […]

Merry Christmas + A Haiku

A dearth of content So I’ll write daily haiku Starting with today Merry Christmas everyone, and Happy Holidays to all those who have other celebrations to honor (like Festivus). I’m enjoying my time with family now that College is out for the semester. I plan to spend my break curling up with some good books, […]

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Words With Jeff

About Words with Jeff

This is the blog of Jeff Staple