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The Other Side of 160

When I moved back to my hometown in August, one of the things I vowed to do was get back into shape. I vowed to do many other things during my months of unemployment, such as read through my huge backlog of books or learn to shave with a non-electric razor, but in this case I […]

Fitness Report – 4 Months

So as I mentioned last time, I’ve been going to the gym regularly for a while; four months, to be precise. When I stopped working back in August (and subsequently fell into a lot more free time), I knew that one of the ways I wanted to fill said time was to join a local […]

A Slacker’s Life For Me

slacker – noun \ˈsla-kər\ a person who shirks work or obligation a person and especially a young person who is perceived to be disaffected, apathetic, cynical, or lacking ambition(Source: Merriam-Webster) I’ve been unemployed for almost two weeks now, and although I am actively job-hunting, I’m also not in that big of a hurry to rejoin […]

Mid-Year Resolutions

I’ve been thinking quite a bit about my goals in life, both long-term and short-term. I know this is partly due to my ongoing job search, but I’m also a person who constantly strives for something greater in life. I know there’s always room for improvement, and this knowledge has often pushed me to better […]

Words With Jeff

About Words with Jeff

This is the blog of Jeff Staple