New York: Final Thoughts
I fell in love with New York on my first day. By the seventh, I was almost ready to cement the relationship by moving in with her.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it once more: I believe this is the greatest city on the planet. I welcome being proven wrong, but until I get to cities like London, Berlin, and Tokyo, New York is pretty much the top of the pops as far as I’m concerned. I could spend several posts articulating all the little things about the five Burroughs that made my trip incredible (and I only visited two of them!), but the in all honesty it really is a city you have to experience for yourself. If I hadn’t needed to return to work and actually earn a living, I may never have left.
Of course if I had stayed, I would have met that B**** named Sandy. I’m definitely glad I got out before she decided to mess everything up (and especially glad that she didn’t ruin my awesome vacation). Although it would be pretty awesome to say that I looked that B**** in the eye and told her to “Fuck Off!”, I much prefer being able to sight-see and otherwise enjoy New York.
There’s definitely more from my travel log that I could write about, but I think it’s about time I close this chapter of my blog and move on to other topics. Before I do though, here are some final (and short!) thoughts:
I’m probably crazy, but I thought Brooklyn smelled like fresh laundry. Especially at night. (My girlfriend tells me that this is because there are a number of 24 hour laundromats in that neighborhood.)
I don’t know how New Yorkers handle the lack of bathrooms in their city. As a foreigner, I felt like I was constantly on the watch for facilities, and often finding relief only in places like Barnes and Noble and Starbucks.
New Yorkers are some sharp dressers! I sort of knew this going in, but I still wasn’t quite prepared for how awesome their attire was. I tried packing all my best clothes for the trip (thank goodness I’ve been improving my wardrobe!), and by and large I felt like I fit in. There were still times that I felt like I needed to go shopping for new clothes (which, to be fair, is not all that uncommon these days).
Also, I kind of wish Sacramento had colder weather in the Fall and Winter months: I really love wearing layers.
Stay Classy, New York. I’ll be back soon.