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Summers at the Drive-In

Unless you’re a really big fan of the beach, Summertime is all about one thing: blockbuster movies! My girlfriend and I are both big movie watchers, so obviously we’ve been spending lots of time at the local multiplex. And why not? There is a metric ton’s worth of good movies either out already or coming […]

Gearing Up for an Amazing Summer

I realized something a couple weeks ago: Year 21 has been the greatest year on record for me! Although I’ve never had what anyone could call a “hard life,” there have always been certain things that kept me from feeling truly good about myself. For starters, I never really put myself or any talents I […]

Summer Rain

It rained today as I walked to work. I should have been irritated by this, since it made my walk much colder than I’m used to, but I’ve always had a love for summer rain.

Words With Jeff

About Words with Jeff

This is the blog of Jeff Staple