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DUMBO, Manhattan, and SoHo, Oh My!

Despite that temultuous first morning in JFK Airport, I quickly fell in love with New York. My first days of exploring and sightseeing are easily some of my favorite moments from the trip. Shortly after my arrival at Lisa’s apartment, we went down to a nearby coffee house for the caffeine infusion I desperately needed […]

As If I Needed Any More Books

Today was a perfect example of why you should never give me a Barnes & Noble gift card. I recently took stock of my personal library and found that I have 25-30 books that I have bought over the years but never read. Now I could make excuses about how most of those were Christmas […]

Impulse Control

I’m a little curious: do any of you have a problem with impulse buying? For me, it’s one of my many personality flaws. When I get a notion that I want to own a book, CD, videogame, or anything else for that matter, I feel compelled to go on Amazon or to a physical store […]

Words With Jeff

About Words with Jeff

This is the blog of Jeff Staple