My Great Japan Adventure
Watashi no nihon e no daibouken
As I write this, I’m sitting in the San Francisco Airport waiting on a flight I’ve dreamed about for half my life. Being a nerdy kid raised on a combination of Godzilla movies, Power Rangers, video games, and anime, I’ve wanted to visit Japan since I was in high school. And now it’s actually happening. In a few short hours, I’ll be on a ridiculously long flight across 5100 miles, an entire ocean, and the International Date Line.
Long flights aside, I can’t tell you how excited I am.
It’s been a journey a year in the making, and I basically needed all that time to prepare. I had to get my first passport, as well as a new suitcase, a phone with a good camera, and some suitably stylish clothes. There were tons of logistical items to sort out as well, not to mention bringing my list of places to see down to a manageable level. Plus, I wanted to be able to speak and read at least a little Japanese (even though everyone says I won’t need it), and that definitely isn’t something I could accomplish in just a few weeks.
I’ll keep this post brief, but rest assured that I’ll be taking copious photos and keeping a log of my adventures. I’ll be in Japan for two weeks, so I’ll have no shortage of things to share when I return to the states.
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