The End of an Era

They say all good things must come to an end. Unfortunately, that was true for me today. After three years that felt much shorter than they probably were, I’ve officially left my Student Assistant job with the State.

It was a pretty tough day for everyone involved, especially since they weren’t just losing me but my coworker (and fellow Student Assistant) Sarah as well. A general malaise hung throughout the office today, with my coworker’s expressions constantly in flux between well-wishing smiles and forlorn frowns. Our boss succumbed to tears as she tried desparately to deliver a farewell speech. I can tell that my short tenure in that office has left a lasting impression on the people in it, and the reverse is likewise true. These people have been more than just my coworkers; they’ve been my friends, my confidants, and a million other things that have made my life richer and more enjoyable.

Tomorrow marks a new stage in my life, but I can’t quite let go of the last one. I already miss the old gang!