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These Aren’t Resolutions

So… It’s already March. In case you didn’t notice, I did not post my new year resolutions for 2015 back in January, as is my habit. Not that it matters: as I so masterfully demonstrated in 2014, I’m not always the best at keeping said resolutions. Which is why I’m not making any new resolutions […]

Image of Chromebooks

Livin’ La Vida Chromebook

As a writer, few things are more important to me than the tools of my craft. I’m a bit of a perfectionist, so I need my tools to work to their fullest potential if I’m going to be happy and productive. A pen that has trouble writing, for instance, will inevitably send me on an […]

Job Advice from my Girlfriend

“I think I might want to be an editor at a publishing house.” “Well, but first you have to actually like other people’s writing.” Insightful job advice from my girlfriend to say the least. Since graduating almost two weeks ago, I’ve been giving my future job prospects a bit of thought. A lot of people […]

Words With Jeff

About Words with Jeff

This is the blog of Jeff Staple