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I Think There’s a Typo on Your Website

Remember when I talked about grammar pet peeves? Well, here’s another one: “Web site.” When I first came across this spelling on my employer’s corporate website, I didn’t know what to make of it. “Surely,” I so naively thought, “this had to be a mistake.” Just look at that uppercase “W” and the superfluous spacing […]

Grammar Debates, Pet Peeves, and Fools’ Errands

My fellow English geeks are going to love this! Today at work, there was an honest to goodness grammar debate going on. The grammar problem on everyone’s mind was whether it was more appropriate to say “an historic” or “a historic” in one of our press releases.Although I frequently hear “an historic” spoken on TV […]

Job Advice from my Girlfriend

“I think I might want to be an editor at a publishing house.” “Well, but first you have to actually like other people’s writing.” Insightful job advice from my girlfriend to say the least. Since graduating almost two weeks ago, I’ve been giving my future job prospects a bit of thought. A lot of people […]

I Knew Grammar was Cool!

My mom thought I was nuts when I told her how much I enjoyed listening to a Podcast about Grammar rules. “What kind of teenager likes grammar?” she must have been thinking. She should know by now that I’m an English freak and I love that kind of shit. Well, even so, it looks like […]

Words With Jeff

About Words with Jeff

This is the blog of Jeff Staple